Friday, February 12, 2010


One of the first things we got to experience while in Cairns was the Rainforestation. It was like a huge zoo in a way like back home. First we got to hold one of the biggest snakes in Australia, and take a picture with it. For me, this was a huge deal because I absolutely hate snakes and do not want anything to do with them. But I figured I need to try everything while i'm here so I decided to hold it. Also, we had the privileged of getting our picture taking with a real koala bear. It was probably the cutest animal i've ever seen. When we held it, we had to hold its bottom because the koalas feel like they are falling off you if you don't and they will latch on real hard with their claws if you don't. Luckily, my picture the koala was actually looking at the camera, and it turned out amazing. It would hold onto you like a little baby. It didn't smell the greatest though I won't lie. After doing that, we got to feed and pet the kangaroos. They obviously were tamed, and were mostly female because they need to be in this zoo type location. A lot of the kangaroos had their babies in their pouches, and the baby roos would pop out every couple minutes to check out the humans. They were so little and cute. While feeding them the kangaroos would just hold on to your hand and eat so gently. They reminded me a lot like dogs. They would eat the food, lick your hand trying to find more, then sit back down and relax and love the fact that you were petting them. They didn't have any male kangaroos there because they grow to be big animals, and are much more aggressive in the wild. We also got to see a performance by an aboriginal group from Australia. This is what most regions of the country are about. Different diverse groups of people. They taught us how to throw a boomerang, and also how to throw spears. It was very interesting, but I think you had to be there and experience it to believe so. We also took a tour through the rain forest. They use the army duck vehicle from the world wars to get through the hills and water in the rain forest. The truck turned into a boat while driving. It was really cool. I mine as well mention the bus ride up to the rainforestation. It was up a really tall and huge mountain. It was probably the worst drive I have been on in a while. It is winding roads all the way up to the top. On top of that, they drive on the wrong side of the road, so that didn't help the situation any. It made me more dizzy and give me an even bigger headache. And yes, on top of that, the bus driver was driving really fast around these turns. It was not a pleasing ride at all that's for sure. So I started my day off feeling very sick to my stomach. But overall it was a great experience, the rain forest is an awesome place, everyone should see it at some point in time.

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