Friday, February 19, 2010

Here is a picture showing our "costumes" for the alien party... I thought we did a pretty decent job considering we are thousands of miles from home :) haha

Today was a pretty relaxing day. I just woke up, talked to the parents, then tried to figure out plans for our two big trips coming up next weekend! I can't wait! This afternoon we went to the pool party that was at the local "bath" in Lismore. It was pretty fun, there was one big prize you could win if you made it on the floating obstacle course and actually made it through with a decent time. Kirstin was one of the runner ups! She lost by half a second. I wish I was joking! She could have one a free trip somewhere.. but of course an Australian had to win. :/ but GOOD JOB ANYWAY KIRST!! Now i'm just kind of sitting around, wanting to go explore around campus some more. We might just stay in and watch a movie tonight because we have to go to Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary tomorrow at eight am! Well, that's all I got for now! Miss you all.

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