Monday, February 22, 2010

Australia is finally feeling more like "home"...
It's still hard adjusting to food and places, but I think i'm getting used to their way of life here.

I was so happy I was able to sleep in on Sunday and have just a care free relaxing day. I was planning on lounging by the pool all day but of course it decided to rain. It helped with the heat, but I was a little disappointed. It was funny because last night all of us girls were starving and we had planned to watch a movie. We just sat there naming off all the incredible foods we have back home and what sounded amazing and we finally came up with NACHOS!! Out of our hunger, and boredom, we decided to quickly call a taxi and head down to the shops before they closed. We did some quick grocery shopping and made it back within a half hour. It was pretty impressing. So we made some GREAT nachos. So delicious. The meat was a little questionable at first but it grew on me. Then we watched the movie "Taken". Such a good movie!!

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