Monday, February 15, 2010

Hey Everyone..Soo i'm beginning my second week here in Aussie.. For the most part, i'm absolutely loving it. The heat gets to be a little much at times, but it still beats living in Minnesota. Today we had orientation and it was a little overwhelming. So much information crammed into a few hours. I'm really mad about how they run their internet around here. First you have to pay to use the wireless in your dorms, and also it's run by how many megabites you use. They pretty much told us not to use skype and the video call to call back home. Only use the voice. That's just ridiculous. I already have a phone so sweet guess I can't be doing that or i'll have to pay more money for megabites. GRRRR! Wish that was a little easier since this is the main form of communication we got! The campus seems so confusing to get around right now. We were lost the entire time. But it's so small that I don't see how we could. I'm hoping things get better quickly. As of right now, I have all my roommates except one. Two Australians and three Americans so far. They seem really nice so that's a plus. We are started "O" week, or orientation week, and I guess everyone likes to party A LOT during this week. We'll see how it goes.

On Saturday night, Kirstin and I experienced our first legal bar experience. Mine was a treat. We took a cab to the club downtown, and I only had my international student card with me. I guess they don't like to use that as a form of I.D. What a great start to my night. So I had to take a cab all the way back up the hill to campus just to get my passport and drivers license to simply get into a club. I couldn't believe it. 20 extra dollars later, I got into the bar, and we just had one drink and were way to tired to do anything else. But it was really cool, they had a live band, and a night club upstairs! Lismore is a pretty small town so it was cool to see everyone just hanging out at the same place, and are super relaxed and talk to everyone.

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