Saturday, February 20, 2010

I just wrote a long blog post, then it got deleted somehow. Thanks internet, you're absolutely terrible here.

But yes, today *Saturday, February 20th* We went to the Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary which was on the Gold Coast, and also by Surfers Paradise where we are headed to next weekend! I can't wait! When we first walked into the sanctuary, all you could see were millions of tiny, loud, and colorful birds. The worker gave us all a little plate full of milk type liquid to hold and all the birds would just swarm to your plate. They landed all over my plate, arms, and even landed on my head. I was so scared at first because their claws are not the nicest thing you want on your head. But after a while it was really awesome to see all these birds flying everywhere landing wherever they wanted. It was definitely a good entrance to the sanctuary.
We then got to get our pictures taken with a koala and also a crocodile! Brooke got her picture with a koala since I had already done so in Cairns, but it was so adorable! He was a tiny one. The crocodile was just a baby one too. They had his mouth tapped shut so it wasn't anything to exciting!

We ate a "beef burger" for lunch. I believe that they put on way to many random toppings here. You don't really get the choice. It was a hamburger with bacon, beets, lettuce, tomato, bbq type sauce, and who knows what else. Let's just say I took off almost all the topics and stuck with the normal ketchup. The fries were good at least! I have yet to find something that I absolutely love to eat here. I do love the cheese though..

Anyway we also got to get our pictures with a lot of different animals. We got one with a huge eagle, and also a baby possum type creature. They gave us too much time at the sanctuary. All of us were ready to leave after a couple hours since we had seen everything. Luckily the bus was a half hour early so we could get out of that place!

The bus ride back to campus was very.. interesting. The bus driver was trying to make us laugh by playing the dumbest music. He played songs that the message was "don't come to australia because you'll get killed by a deadly animal!" or comedy skits. It was super annoying, and very awkward. Everyone was ready to get off that bus that's for sure!

Well, that's all I got for now! Talk to you soon!

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