Monday, February 15, 2010

Oh yes, Brooke, Kirstin, and I went to the mall the other day and we were starving so we got some McDonalds of course. The normal size for them is a happy meal size. I couldn't believe it! And a medium was a small American size! Their fountain pop tastes so disgusting. Be glad that you live in the United States just to have amazing fountain pop. Brooke's tasted like she was drinking straight alcohol but it was supposed to be diet coke. Not only was the pop gross, the french fries were fried in some random oil, which made them taste like fish. So gross. It was an interesting stop at MAKKYS *as they call it* that's for sure.

Another weird thing about this place is that every time you leave a store for the most part, they check your purse and your bags. I thought this was weird considering we only do that if we work at retail stores *SOMETIMES* I guess it's a good thing they can prevent all the stealing and theft that happens here.

Even though Australians speak English, everything here is different than back home. Their culture is so laid back, and they are in no rush to do anything. I'm so used to working two jobs, school full time, never have time for a social life, and this is just a whole new world over here. It's really hard getting used to, but I know we'll respect it in the end of this trip.

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