Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I think I should probably start writing in this blog more often, considering I have a lot of free time now that my one test is over for the semester. I only have two papers and a little presentation left for the entire semester. One of my classes is practically over with. I think that's funny because St. Cloud isn't even done with school yet and I started months after them :) I am definitely living the dream here.

I've actually been getting homesick lately. I think i'm hitting that point where i'm ready to get back to reality and see my friends and family. It's so hard being away for four months. I just keep thinking that everyone is back home moving on with their lives, having a good time, and i'm missing out on that. But i'm still so happy to be here in Australia. I know i'm lucky to have had this opportunity. It's just a hard feeling to describe. I'm getting excited for our last big trip to Fiji at the end of this whole experience. It will be a perfect ending with some amazing people. I have my days with being homesick, other days I don't even want to go home or hardly think of it.

Today we went to the LISMORE SQUARE where we ALWAYS go... It's the only shopping mall anywhere near us. We decided to go on a little shopping spree. I ended up buying a sweet jacket (which I already have a perfect outfit in mind for it) some fleece pants for my next camping adventure, and a flower headband. I would say that I got some pretty good deals on all of that, but it felt like I blew a lot of money. I just don't keep track anymore so I don't get disappointed with my finances.

On Saturday it's "Race Day" here. I guess it's a huge deal here in Lismore, everyone from the uni gets all dressed up, wears huge hats, and drinks a ton in the morning and then goes to these horse races all day. It should be a great time, everyone has been talking about it for months so i'm excited to see how it is!

Talk to you later!

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