Wednesday, April 21, 2010

G'day. Things are going great here! It's finally starting to hit me how fast time has actually gone by since i've been here in Australia. I only have a month and a half left here. I'm actually really sad about it. It's grown to be my second home and i'm going to really miss it. Going home will be bittersweet. That is, if I make it home! I do have a stop over in Honolulu... So we'll see what I decide when I get there :)

Lately there hasn't been a whole lot going on here in Lismore. Wait, there never is. We recently just had another theme night at the Unibar on campus. It was a cartoon character/movie/tv show theme party for some girls birthdays. A couple friends and I decided to go as the three blind mice. That was pretty entertaining. We drew whiskers and a black nose on our face and everything! It was a pretty good time. Definitely a good laugh!

Other than that I've actually had to do some homework. I know, it's quite the shock! I also have my first exam next week in Outdoor Education. I have gone 5 whole months without taking any quizzes or tests, so this should be interesting. Hopefully I can find the motivation to study and do decent. After all, I only need to pass everything. Thanks St. Cloud for only having the pass/fail option for this study abroad.. It really makes me try hard in school. Not.

Australia has definitely been the break that I needed from life back home. School, work, and all other things get way to stressful, and it's been great getting away from that for a couple months. I am actually excited to get back to work and have an income! It's sad watching your money disappear so quickly here.

This weekend we are going to Byron Bay for the night to celebrate my roommate Amy's 20th birthday! It's always exciting celebrating people's birthdays here, or I should say it's always an adventure. I'm doing something this weekend that I would never ever do if I were back home in the states.. But it's a surprise for now! :)

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