Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I had my first test and presentation today. I haven't had a test for five months so studying was quite the challenge for me. And to top it off, I studied pretty much everything that wasn't on the test. I am hoping that I was a good guesser, but by the looks of it, it didn't go that well!

This past weekend I went to Byron Bay again with the girls to celebrate my roommate Amy's 20th birthday! It was a great time. To start off the weekend right, we did something amazingly crazy. I have always wanted to do this and I am so glad I got the opportunity and the courage to actually do it.

I WENT SKYDIVING! From 14,000 feet in the air!
It was the most amazing experience ever. I'm so happy I did it, and I would definitely jump out of a plane again!!

Here are some pictures from my adventure...

I was watching Amy jump out of the plane first... I was so excited, I wasn't even a bit nervous until this next stage...

Actually getting out of the plane. My instructor was sitting on the edge of the plane, and I was hanging out of the plane...I think I was thinking why the heck am I doing this?

Getting ready to "fall" out...

And I'm out of the plane! Most amazing feeling ever.

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