Monday, May 3, 2010

Hello! Well, this weekend was pretty interesting to say the least. On Saturday it was Race Day! We've been so excited for this event for the past couple weeks because we heard it's just amazing so we were excited that the day was finally here. It's a big deal because everyone gets dressed up real classy looking and go drink and the horse races. Most girls wear huge hats and head pieces for the day, but I just stuck with the typical flower for $5.00 from K-Mart :)

I woke up around 7:00 in the morning to people screaming outside and blasting music. They were the early birds and started their day by drinking and being crazy. Around 9:00 in the morning we were just about done getting ready and the college gave us a free breakfast. I have no idea what we were eating, but it was basically a sand which with a hash brown and uncooked bacon on it. It wasn't that good. But it was free!

Here are some pictures of the girls and our Race Day outfits..

Brooke and I had to take a picture of us starting our goon drinking very early in the morning..

We headed to the horse races around noon and it felt like such a long day already considering we woke up at 7:00am. I had an interesting couple of hours and then we decided to actually bet on a horse. I only bet $5.00 because I never have before and I picked a random horse. Of course with my luck, the horse lost, and I was out the $5.00 but it was still fun to watch.

After we got back from the horse races, I went to bed at 5:00 that night, and didn't wake up until 8:00 the next morning! Yes, unbelievable! 15 hours of sleep for me. I was exhausted.

Here are some more pictures from the races..

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