Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Eddy's Visit

I decided to make a blog about Eddy's second visit. It obviously was not as exciting as the first time he came to Australia but I think we still had fun here in Lismore!

It was funny picking him up from the Lismore Airport because it is a tiny little building. I couldn't even imagine a plane flying into that tiny place.

We went to visit the famous Byron Bay, where I spend most of my weekends. I figured he would want to see a beach and the ocean after flying that long to come to Australia. We stopped to get some lunch and we ate at this delicious Mexican restaurant that I didn't even know existed! I can't even begin to tell you how amazing the food was. I'm definitely running to Chipotle and Taco Bell when I get back to the states! :)

Then the rest of the day we just sat on the beach and explored the most Eastern point of Australia! Here are some pictures..

After our day at Byron Bay, we had to go to the bar to go out for my Outdoor Education class. Yes, this was a mandatory event. This kind of event would never ever take place back in the United States. Only here in Australia do students party with their professors! It was a great night, everyone was together for one last huge event.

Throughout the week we didn't have to much to do so our days consisted of walking down to the Square or downtown Lismore. I feel like all we did was shop around or hit up the grocery store for some good food to make! We also explored Lismore better and found a river walk and a nice park. The time flew so fast and I honestly don't even know what we did for the time to pass.

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