Tuesday, May 25, 2010

It's finally the last few weeks of my adventure here in Australia. It's freaking me out. I leave next week for Brisbane and then to Fiji. This week is filled with a whole lot of nothing. I am done with all my classes and all my assignments so i'm sitting around being bored. I don't have any finals either, so there is not a whole lot for me to do until I leave Lismore. The weather here has been really bad, real gloomy and rainy. From what I hear, the weather back in Minnesota is just amazing. Maybe it's a sign i'm ready to go back!

Eddy came back to Australia last week to visit Lismore. I don't think he was too impressed by the town I was in, but i'm not either so that's okay. We went to Byron Bay and that place is always amazing every time I go, so that was fun. Then we went out to Tommy's which is a bar downtown Lismore, to party with my professor of Outdoor Education. It was a mandatory event for all the students and it was really funny to see that. The other days consisted of us walking down to The Square, shopping around, and walking back up the torturous hill. I swear we walked down and up that thing at least six times that he was here. I know he just loved it!
It wasn't too eventful, but it was nice to have him here and not be bored for an extra week.

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