Monday, March 1, 2010

A weekend in Surfers Paradise...

On Thursday, February 25th, we finally made our way to Surfers Paradise. We took a two and a half hour bus ride and got there at night time. At first we had no clue how to get to our hostel from the bus station, then we found a sign for it and it led to a closed garage door. We seriously thought this was how we were to check in to our room. It was hilarious but later on we found a door and yeah it was funny.
Our hostel was nothing special, but it was not the worst i've been in. Luckily we had our own shower in the room there. We had a couple of random people stay with us in the rooms, one was from Japan, and the other was from New Zealand so that was interesting.

The first night we just walked around the town, it was like a mini Vegas in itself. Just tons of shops everywhere and tons of food! The main things were ice cream and Kebabs I felt like. We ran to the beach that night, didn't care how dark it was. It was amazing! Tons of buildings just lit up in the background it was gorgeous.

On Friday, it was the only sunny day so we decided to go sit and lay out on the beach all day. Before we got there we got stopped by some girl who was trying to talk us into doing a club/bar tour. We ended up doing it, paid $40 dollars because it sounded way cheap instead of paying cover charges, and we got a free drink at each of the 5 clubs we went to. At first I thought it was a pretty sketchy thing considering these stands are everywhere and people like force you to talk to them. Oh how businesses run these days. But anyhow, we ended up paying for it, and Kirstin didn't have to because it was her 21st birthday.

The clubs were awesome, we went to the Beer Garden, Strike, Cocktails and Dreams, Sin City, then finally the Bedroom. It was funny because we were in a huge group of like a hundred people walking bar to bar. I bet we looked hilarious to people on the streets that night. It was an all around good night though and we had lots of fun celebrating Kirstin's 21st Birthday!

On Sunday, it was raining all day pretty much and they had the beaches closed off because there was a Tsunami warning in affect. We literally sat around different picnic tables all day until it was time to go to the bus station. Also, I found my first can of Dr. Pepper since i've been in Australia!! It was in a candy store out of all places it could be. It was $3.00 for one little can. But I didn't care I had to have it! I was happy :) haha.

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