Thursday, March 25, 2010


G'day! I just got back from the most interesting town yet..
For my Perspectives on Australia class, we took a field trip to a nearby town called Nimbin. I had heard so many stories about it before we went about how it's full of hippies and weed. Yes, I know, sounds a little extreme. The whole point of the trip was to experience new things, and see things from a different perspective. It truly was a different perspective. Everywhere we walked on the street, there was a person asking if we wanted to buy some drugs. I really felt like we didn't fit in at all, and I just always felt a little bit awkward there. Every building was painted so colorful and had really weird shop names. It was a very unique town.
We ate lunch at a little restaurant called the "Rainbow Cafe". It ended up being actually really good. I'm still not used to getting avacado on my hamburgers though.

After lunch, we just roamed the street a little more. I ended up buying a bracelet which I have wanted for a long time, so that was the most exciting part of this trip. There is not much more to our trip to Nimbin... So here's some pictures.

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