Friday, March 26, 2010

It's still weird for me waking up in Australia, but I absolutely love that fact. It seems like time is just flying by here. I want it to slow down just a little. School is already half way over for me, and their semesters are only 12 weeks long. I've only made it to two out of the five Stress Management classes we've had, which makes me laugh. Oh school here is very easy. It's going to be hard adjusting to classes back home! I won't know how to study or do homework! I'm a little worried but i'm hoping I can jump back into things. Of course i'm excited to come back home and see family and friends, but i'm really enjoying my time here. It's a whole different world, and I feel like nothing stresses me here. I actually have time for myself, and can do what I want, without the pressures of huge assignments, tests, and working everyday. It's been a great experience and also a wonderful break from school.

Last night we went to dinner and got our favorite $10 dollar steaks. They were delicious and well worth the price! It's in this little country pub type place and they play amazing music. This might turn out to be a Thursday ritual!

On the way down to the restaurant we saw a ton of bats in the trees on the main road. It was so disgusting because they are everywhere. It's weird to me because at the zoo's we have been to they are locked up in cages because they bite. These ones just roam free everyday so I better watch out! One time I asked an Australian why the roads smelt so bad (they smelt like skunk) and she said it's from the bats "accidents" all over the roads. It's still hard getting used to seeing huge flying fox bats.

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