Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I haven't really had much to talk about lately on this blog. The days seem to be going by really slow all of a sudden. It's my second week of class and for some reason I am already sick of it. The only class I am excited for is Outdoor Education. We have a trip coming up in a week and a half. We are going to a place called Meebunn-bia, and we will be camping and hiking. All that fun stuff! That should be a good but interesting time as well. We have to carry our own huge backpacks all day while we travel and cook our own meals. It will be good to get away from Lismore again.
It's been raining every single day since we got back from Surfers Paradise. It's irritating because all we can really do is sit inside. And believe me, with no TV or homework, this place gets boring real quick. I've been wanting to get out and go for a run or something but I don't feel like getting all muddy from the rain.
On Friday, Brooke and I are heading out on the train to Sydney to meet Eddy and Duane. Very excited for that. Our train ride is 12 1/2 hours though, so it's going to be a rough one. Well, that's all I have for now. Once something exciting happens, i'll be sure to let you all know!

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