Monday, March 15, 2010


I just got back from a week long vacation with Eddy in Sydney! It was a great time, and it was a great city to visit.

Last Thursday night, Brooke and I had to take a 12 hour train ride down to Sydney. We stayed a little over a week down there. At the time, we were so excited that we were getting to see our boyfriends so I don't think the concept of a 12 hour train ride hit us until we were on board. The train was not comfortable what so ever. It was just as bad as riding on the airplane for 14 hours. Except on the train we actually had a lot of leg room. On top of that, the train made lots of loud noises the entire slow ride there. As you can tell, we got maybe an hour or two of sleep. We even took Tylenol PM. It was definitely a nightmare train. My favorite part was when I hear "Good Morning everyone! Time for breakfast!" on the intercom, and I looked at my phone and it was only 4:00 am. It was a terrible ride, but in the end we survived!! That's all that really mattered.

During the first few days we took the boys to Featherdale Wildlife Sanctuary to see their first koalas and kangaroos. For me, it was really not that exciting considering it was my third zoo I have been to in the last month, but the koalas never get old. They are so cute every single time I see them! It was nice to see a smile on Eddy's face when he got to pet and see the koalas and kangaroos though. I'm still shocked and amazed by some of the animals they have here. They are so different looking. Some are super colorful, and others are just weird like huge flying fox bats. Pretty sure Eddy fell in love with the wombat. He had to take a million pictures of him and feed him the ice cream cone. (I think Eddy probably fed every animal possible that he could) It was cute. Also, when we walked into the kangaroo area, there were these huge birds, some what like an ostrich, that came up and literally attacked the kangaroo food from Eddy's hand. It was hilarious because the birds were as tall as us and wouldn't stop following the food. They were for sure the highlight of my time at the wildlife park!

We also went to a suburb of Sydney called Manly. We took a half hour ferry ride over to the town. Along the way, the ferry went right next to the Sydney Harbor bridge and the Opera House. It was like a mini tour on the ferry. It was gorgeous to see. It was also weird just because they are such well known buildings and are something you see in textbooks. It was also cool because on the ferry ride, there were so many sailboats all around us, i'm talking almost a hundred. So our ferry just went in between them all, and it was so windy that they looked like they were going to tip right over. Some guys who were sailing had to hang over the edge of the boat just so it wouldn't tip over. That's something I have always wanted to try, but after seeing that, it looked a little too scary.

When we got off the ferry, there was a tiny beach that was just sitting by the city harbor. We thought that this was the only beach the boys would see, and we were a little embarrassed/ashamed because this was definitely not a beach. After about five minutes, we were bored with it and decided to walk into town instead. Luckily, Eddy found a sign saying that Manly beach was actually down the road. The day started to get a lot better from then on! I thought that Manly was also a gorgeous beach. Yet again there was a lot of jellyfish washed up along the shore and we also saw a dead baby seahorse. That was the first time i've seen a seahorse in person. Too bad it had to be dead. It was really windy that day, but we still had a good time just relaxing on the beach all day.

Towards the end of our trip, Eddy and I decided to go back to Manly and to explore the beach some more. We walked all along the coastline and made our way to the rocks. We found another awesome beach where the water was super blue. We hiked around and climbed the rocks for a couple hours. The view was incredible! The only downfall was that along the trails, there were tons of huge spiders. They were everywhere. Eddy was scared :)

During the week we had together we went to Bondi beach. This was my favorite place in Sydney for sure. The beach was gorgeous. There were a lot of surfers and the weather was great. The only weird part about this place was that there were a lot of topless people surrounding us. This is probably normal to all of them, but from our viewpoints it was very different. Eddy and I ate at this really good little restaurant called Gabby's and got a BLT. So delicious.. That was one of the best things I have eaten here in Australia so far. We sat on the beach all day and also checked out all of the surf shops they had there. The boys thought it would be a genius idea to bury us in sand. It was fun at the time, but when it was time to get out, we had sand everywhere. I didn't get it out of my hair until two days later.

We also went back to Bondi beach another day during the week because we liked it so much. This time Eddy and I decided to yet again explore the rocks. It was also an extremely gorgeous view, and I would definitely go back. Eddy was the real adventurer. He was climbing the rocks all the way out farther into the ocean, then he finally realized it wasn't such a good idea when a huge wave came up and hit the rocks and almost splashed him off the rocks. Yes, a little scary for me to watch.

Another cool place we saw a couple times was Darling Harbor. It was pretty close to our hostels and just had a bunch of food places and some shops. It was gorgeous at night because you could see the entire city lit up.

We also went to the Olympic Park. This was really not what we expected. When we got off the train it looked like a ghost town. No one was really around. There were three restaurants around and a couple hotels. The rest was the stadium and playing fields and other random buildings. To tour the stadium it cost $20 dollars so we decided it really wasn't worth the money. The only place we really went was to see the Olympic pool. We had to pay just to get into it. It was a real waste of money because we didn't even get to find the stands where the medalists stood. All we could do is sit in the hot tub, and play in the kiddy pool. But I guess it was still cool to say we went to the place where the Sydney Olympics were held ten years ago.

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